Weak 25 passwords - Naim Trick Bd


Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Weak 25 passwords

Image result for weak password

The first safeguard of online security is a strong password. And there, some people use such passwords from ignorance or laziness, which can easily be guessed. Easy-to-understand passwords are called weak passwords. Many people think, why would someone hack his account? And whether or not the damage! Maybe a lucky account was not hacked even after giving a weak password. However, those passwords can come in the list of Splash Day's annual weakest password, which can be leaked.

The software splashadata released software for the fifth time in a row by analyzing about five million leaked passwords on the internet. The company creates commercial password management software for Internet and software security.

Despite the fact that Facebook's large information technology organization, such as the non-user information, still a large part of Internet users is still not aware of password usage. Because, in the last five lists, '123456' and 'password' are among the most frequently used weak passwords.

It is difficult to remember with many different and strong passwords on many websites. So a specific password manager software suggested Splashdate Chief Executive Officer Morgan Slyn "Nowadays browsers like Google Chrome, Safari and Opera have already provided password management in the browser.

Here are some of the top 25 weak password listed in Splendor. If you have your password on this list then change it on an emergency basis.

1. 123456 (always in the first place)

2. password (the fifth remains unchanged)

3. 123456789 (increased)

4. 12345678 (decreased)

5. 12345 (unchanged)

6. 111111 (new)

7. 1234567 (increased)

8. sunshine (new)

9. qwerty (decreased)

10. iloveyou (unchanged)

11. princess (new)

12. admin (decreased)

13. welcome (decreased)

14. 666666 (new)

15. abc123 (unchanged)

16. football (decreased)

17. 123123 (unchanged)

18. monkey (decreased)

19. 654321 (new)

20. ! @ # $% ^ & * (New)

21. charlie (new)

22. aa123456 (new)

23. donald (new)

24 password1 (new)

25. qwerty123 (new)

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Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.